Butoke depends on
your support for its work
As an NGO working in a neglected part of the world, Butoke is reliant on personal contributions and sacrifices from its own members, from the people and communities it supports, and from benefactors overseas, including individuals, non-government organizations, and official donor agencies.
The picture on the right is a testimonial to the work of Dr. Cécile de Sweemer, who co-founded Butoke in collaboration with Dr. Jean Lumbala in 2003. Until she passed away in 2019, Cecile worked tirelessly, donating her time and efforts and the bulk of her pension money, to Butoke. Butoke’s Congolese professional staff work for modest salaries, ranging from $US75 to $US500 per month. |
Woman dancing for joy with Cécile de
Sweemer after successful cataract surgery supported by Butoke. |
can be made through any of the following partners or directly to Butoke.
Donors from Canada, the US and the UK can obtain charitable donation tax
credits by donating through the organizations below. In
Donations should be made to HOPE International Development Agency.
Private contributions by Canadian citizens are eligible for charitable
contributions tax credits. If donating by cheque, you can specify “for
Butoke” in the memo of your cheque. If contributing online using the Donate button, you can scroll down the
page earmark your contribution for programming in DRC and follow up with an
email to Pablo Acosta-Zamora at pabloa@hope-international.com, specifying Butoke in particular. |
In the
Contributions in the US should be made through Friends of Butoke, which is eligible for charitable contributions tax deductions as a public charity under section 501 (c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. Click here to donate through Friends of Butoke USA. |
In the UK Contributions through Friends of Butoke, UK are also eligible for charitable contributions tax deductions. Please contact trustee member Paul Evans at paulevans@blueyonder.co.uk. In Australia In Australia, contributions in support of the Elsa Corp Justice Project can be made using this JustGiving page. Direct contributionsOrganizations or individuals preferring to contribute directly to Butoke can do so by bank transfer or via Western Union. Bank information can be obtained from the Butoke’s Executive Director using the information under ContactUs. |